
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Day at Exploring Cricut!

Click HERE for my Close To My Heart Store!
Click to email me your ORDER the NEW Close To My Heart Artiste Bundle!!
Click HERE for my My Cricut Craft Room Post!
Hey All!!!
It's time for another post at Exploring Cricut today!!!
I know when you see the pictures of my project today, you are probably going to think I am nuts! Your going to ask me why I am rushing the summer, I just KNOW it! But, in my defense, you have to remember that I create decorations as part of what I do for my business, so know that's why I made these, lol!!!

Aren't they just SOOOO cute??? These are for decorations for a Fall theme! I made these with Close To My Heart's NEW cartridge, ARTISTE! And guess what, you can NOW ORDER IT!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! Check out my online store HERE so you can get your hands on it and make some super cute pumpkins right along with me!!!!

If you notice, I did stamp a little design on the edge of the pumpkins, and I got that idea out of the new Idea Book and Catalog! I couldn't believe how cute it looked, so I had to try it out! I used a different stamp of coarse!!

OK all! Thanks so much for checking in! Don't forget we are STILL "Disney Dreamin" at Exploring Cricut! Submit your projects HERE to win some awesome stuff!!! And make sure you check out what the rest of the DT has been up to! You wont be disappointed!!!

Hope to catch you all Craftin' and Stampin!


  1. I absolutely love these pumpkins! I plan on getting this cartridge as soon as my purse allows lol. Great job Jessica.

  2. Wow Jessica! These are fantastic. I love all the shading. I think I need this cartridge now:)

    My Mind's Dust Bunnies

  3. Wow Jessica! These are fantastic. I love all the shading. I think I need this cartridge now:)

    My Mind's Dust Bunnies

  4. WOW!! These are awesome Jessica!! I so love your pumpkins!!!! :)

  5. Love these Jessica! I think I may need to get this cartridge, and I haven't even bought the other CTMH cartridge yet!! You girls are going to kill me - TFS :)

