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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Journal Pages Completed

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Hey All!!
Today is my last day of work for 11 whole days! I cannot for it to start!!! My little guy starts Spring Break at 12:10 today when they "Dance Their Way Into Spring". What this is is a song that they dance out of school to. Last year it was the Cupid Shuffle and the year before that it was Cotton Eye Joe. This year, its the original Electric Slide.
Yesterday, he had his poetry day at school. He had to recite his poem "Suzanna Socked me Sunday". It was TOOOOO cute! And he was so happy that hubby and I were able to go! I HUSTLED at work to be able to get out early to be able to see him!!! He did such a great job that we decided to take him to Friendlies to show how proud we were!
Then, last night when I got home, hubby and bubba took a nap, so it was crafty time for mommy! I decided I am SO TIRED of waiting for the Smash Book that I planned on using for challenges! I also decided that I would use the sprial journal pad that I bought at Michael's a few weeks ago! And guess what? I am glad I did! I enjoy the pages so far!!
Here's 2 pages I did so far in it. Both were challenges that I did from Facebook:
This one was a challenge to use 3 out of 5 types of embellishments (I used Sprays, Buttons, and Ribbon), the quote mentioned above, and the a piece of scrapbook paper or jounal paper.

This challenge was to use your OLDEST piece of patterned paper and letter cutouts. It says "How I became a paper whore!"....yes, I know, but its funny! And its the TRUTH!!
I have  a video that I am in the middle of uploading to You Tube, so that will most likely be visible tonight once I get home.
OK all, hope to catch you Craftin' and Stampin'! 


Georgiana said...

Nice! Enjoy your time off! Mine is going to end before you know it!

Rhonda Miller said...

What fabulous pages.

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