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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September Stamp of The Month! And September Special!

Click HERE for my 500 Follower Giveaway! Make a comment on that post & follow my blog for your chance to win!!!

Hey Alll!!!

It's HUMP DAY!!! Whooo Hoooo!!! I just love that new insurance commercial that has Mike and the Camel! It CRACKS ME UP!!! My brother in law is a Mike and we love saying "Hey Mike Mike Mike..guess what day it is"...he cracks up too!!! 

Anywho, I am a FEW days late posting this, but its a NEW MONTH AND A NEW SPECIAL is out in my Close To My Heart store!!! Here are the specials for September:

*** Please remember, 1st 3 signup's under me to be a consultant will get the NEW Art Booking Cricut Cartridge for $60 plus shipping! That's a 40% discount!!! If you would not like the Art Booking Cartridge,but want to sign up, I will give you a 40% off 1 item to use!! ****

It's National Stamping Month-The stamp set the are offering is SURE TO PLEASE! Its 3 stamps set for 1 low price! And the stamp set is AMAZING!!! The set is called YOU ARE MY HAPPY and its only $10 when you spend $50 or more. GET IT FAST! They will only be available in September!!! And FYI...where else can you get 3 stamp sets for $10??? NO WHERE but here!!!

The Stamp Of The Month for September is called POSTER TIDINGS and its BEYOND adorable!!! Once again, this set is $5 with a $50 minimum purchase! You cant let this set fall away! It reminds me SO MUCH of Subway Art which is SO in right now! How can you pass it up??? 

OK all, now, here is the link for my online store which is ALWAYS open! Are you ready to shop??? I know I am!! 

Hope to catch you all Craftin' and Stampin'! 


Rhonda Miller said...

What a great deal.

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