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Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy Easter at Exploring Cricut!

Click HERE for my 500 Follower Giveaway! Make a comment on that post & follow my blog for your chance to win!!!

Hey All!
So sorry I have been down and out for the last few days! Strep came over my household and me and my poor kiddo have been SUFFERING! Bless my hubby who has been taking care of us for the past few days! When I say I could barley sit, I'm not kidding. My stomach ACHED because of how bad I was coughing! I couldn't even sit at my computer! And my poor booger has the WORST sounding cough when he gets sick..sounds like a croup sounding cough...and sounds painful :( Thankfully, as of right now, we are both starting to feel better!!
So, today's project is for Exploring Cricut! Our theme this week is Easter! You can create any card, scrap book layout, or paper craft that has to do with Easter.
My card, sadly, was not my best work. I was very disappointed in it, but I just couldn't sit any longer at my work table, and I was getting upset with myself for not being able to think straight because of the pain and steady coughing!
One day this week, I think I will jazz this card up and repost it, but for now, here is my card:
Simply Charmed Cricut Cartridge
MME Paper
Cricut Expression
Jaded Blossom Bunny Poop Stamp
Please be sure to stop and see the rest of the design teams projects! They all have worked hard on them!!! Show them some love :)
Then, be sure to link up YOUR Easter Card for a chance to win a box of goodies from Diane!!!
OK all, hope to catch you Craftin' and Stampin'!



Georgiana said...

Cute. I have never used this cut before. Might need to give it a try. Happy Easter to you!

Unknown said...

Super cute, must try this one too...xx

Sharon said...

This is so very cute Jessica! I love the papers you used!! :)

Unknown said...

Very Cute! I do not have this cart. Looks like I need to get it! I would like to link my card to your blog but am not sure how to do so. If you could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it

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