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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Haul and TONS of knowledge I found out about Michael's!

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Hey All!!!

HOLY COW! This post is going to be CHOCK full of info!!! I am in OVERLOAD right now!!!

So, I wanted to go to Michael's to capitalize on the Heidi Swapp sale and get the rest of the color shines that I needed. Well, needless to say, my Michael's had 3 colors, all of which I already had. So, my friend that works there called another Michael's for me and they at first said "we don't carry her stuff"...REALLY??? HEEEELLLLLOOOO its on SALE this week..YES YOU DO CARRY IT! So, I left that one and started to call another Michael's. Well, while I was on hold at the other one, my friend texted me and told me they had the 5 that I was looking for at the one she called! JJJJAAAAAACCCCKKKKPPPPOOOOOTTTT!!!

So, I headed off to that Michael's.

When I got there, the Scrap book department was kinda in disarray..but, I managed to find the Heidi Swapp display. I thought, WOW, they really need to fill their end caps cause this is what I saw:

So, being the noisy wonder that I am, I meandered over closer...Now THIS is what I saw upon closer inspection:


Yup, if you can't see, those tags say SN@P!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!
THHHHEEEEENNN, I thought, hmmm, how about I go check out the SMASH section...Well, I had the same "empty" thought....

BUTTTT...its NEEEWWW SMASH Stuff! From what I remember, there were SMASH Scissors, SMASH cutter, and the Fortune Cookie thing going in there! OH, and the inker!!!

This is ALL going out TOMORROW at that Michael's!

So, that is all my info for now! But, before I go, here is a nice little haul video:

OK all, hope to catch you Craftin' and Stampin'!


Melissa said...
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jessica said...

great haul!!!!

Maria said...

great haul

Rhonda Miller said...

Woohoo!! I am wanting to get the new Smash goodies. Time to go shopping.

Blue6366 said...

Gotta love Michaels. I have yet to get in to the SMASH craze but I've been eyeing it a lot here lately and have picked up an item or two. Guess maybe I should get in gear and just jump on the wagon. lol

Sherrie K. said...

GREAT haul! Looks like a lot of fun goodies:)
Sherrie K

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