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Friday, March 15, 2013

Jamaica Smash Book-Sneaky Peek Part 2

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Hey All!!

Today is day two of my Sneaky Peeks of my Jamaica Smash Book! Its not done yet...I still have A LOT to do on it, but I wanted to show off some things I HAVE done with it!

Here are 3 more pages:

This 2 page layout is of our room, and our AMAZING view!

This 2 page layout is our AMAZING view continued!

This page shows more of our view, and the little newsletters they would leave in your room each day!
I know I said I would have a haul video for you, but at this moment, I have not even pulled the camera out to video tape it! Remember how I cleaned up my craft room the other day? Well, I put the camera in a nice neat place, and that place is not in my reach right now! LOL!
OK all, hope to catch you Craftin' and Stampin'! 


Sherrie K. said...

Looks gorgeous! Oooh, how I would love to be there about now, lol!
Sherrie K

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