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Friday, March 22, 2013

Michael's Mini Haul-SN@P and New SMASH!!

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Hey all!!

So sorry, but I am STILL not feeling up to par...UGG... I totally hate when I am sick...Its the worst! I AM glad that my booger is feeling better! His cough is still horrible, but I can tell its not AS harsh as what it was!

Anyway, before work today, I decided that I should just stop to "stalk" out my Michael's to see what they happened to have out. Well, let me tell you that I am SO glad that I decided to go today (even thought I felt like a bus hit me :(   ) because my friend that stocks up the paper section KNOWS I go on Thursday's and she hooked a girl up!! Lookie what I found today:

Simple Stories Pink SN@P Binder with inserts!

Simple Stories SN@P  3X4, 4X6, & 6X6 paper pads!

New SMASH stuff!!!
I am really so glad that I went today also BECAUSE she said that the SN@P stuff wasn't supposed to go out for another week! OOOO I was SO glad to hear that I got there today and she hooked me up!! I can't wait to use this stuff!!
Also, when I got home, I had a little present waiting in the mail for me:
My FIRST Unity Stamp of The Week Sets!!!
So, since I got home late tonight and I am still sick, I'm sorry to say I have not projects to show, BUT I have a haul video to make up for it!!! All the goodies I showed above with be in the video!!
One last thing before I leave you with the video...All of you lovely crafters that submitted to the most recent Paper Craft Magazine Call...they will be picking for that issue TOMORROW!!! Make sure to watch out on their Face book page! Its always pins and needles to hear if you are picked, but its fun to be around such good company!!! is my video!

OK all...Hope to catch you Craftin' and Stampin'!


Betsy said...

Your anchor stamp will peel right off the stamp block when you're done. You can just either put the white backing back onto it and store it in the bag it came in, or you can stick it to a piece of acetate to store it. Easy peasy!

Rhonda Miller said...

What fun goodies. I love that the Snap stuff is double sided.

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