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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Designer Day at Exploring Cricut!

Click HERE for my 500 Follower Giveaway! Make a comment on that post & follow my blog for your chance to win!!!

Hey All!!
Happy Wednesday!
Gosh, I feel like I have not been with it for the last week! I have been feeling SOOO crappy! But, today, FINALLY, I am starting to get back into the grove and feel like myself again!
Today is my designer day over at Exploring Cricut! I knew what my project was going to be because I have a project that must be worked on for the next few days! Remember when I showed you the invite for my mother in law surprise 50th? Well, decorations were what needed to be worked on and I had just the cartridge for it...Groovy Times!!!
My sister in law and I want to work on a few different things, but what I was able to get done since I had all energy removed from me due to sicknesses was this:
2 Wall Decorations  (there are 2 of each)

Isn't that smiley face awesome! It SCREAMS 70's to me for some reason!

This totally says Hippie and Love to me! Another 70's icon!!
I will check in with you guys with another post once I got more done, but for now, thats it!!!
Make sure you link up your Easter Themed project at Exploring Cricut for a chance to win a box of goodies!!
OK All, hope to catch you Craftin' and Stampin'! 


Mary Ann said...

Love your projects,They are super cute...

LorraineB said...

All you need now are some bell bottoms to go with your decorations, oh and the big hair too. Looks like a lot of fun, and the smiley face is adorable.

Rhonda Miller said...

These are so fun. I love the "flower power" feel. :)

Sharon said...

These are totally cute!!! Love the 70's feel! :)

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